Thanks. Found those. I am looking how to tell mtxrun not to open some WINE-based Windows PDF previewer but something else. Using —autopdf it now ends with mtx-context | pdfview methods: auto default okular pdfxcview sumatra, current method: sumatra (directives_pdfview_method) pdfview | command: wine "sumatrapdf.exe" -reuse-instance -bg-color 0xCCCCCC "test.pdf" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null & mtx-context | pdfview overhead: 0.003 seconds But I don’t use that and the man page for mtxrun doesn’t help me (besides, the man page I get is from MacTeX/TeXLive and probably not form the latest standalone ConTeXt. mtxrun —help doesn’t help either. So, where do I find it? There is no mtxrun.pdf manual. (I am getting a real deja-vu on the state of ConTeXt documentation, it’s probably there these days but it is ‘unfindable’ and seems incomplete. E.g. install.sh shows a flag —autopdf for mtxrun (probably the first time you get an instruction on the use f mtxrun) which is then not mentioned in mtxrun —help or mentioned in the man page (in MacTeX). Wiki seems to end in 2011. Etc. This kind of experience is (again) very frustrating, I must say. It is my main stumbling block for actually using ConTeXt) G
On 29 Feb 2020, at 12:35, mf
wrote: Il 29/02/20 12:10, Gerben Wierda ha scritto:
Is there not a simple place to get all the up-to-date documentation?
If you install ConTeXt from
in the installation tree you'll find docs under
There you'll always find the docs at their last revision.