On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 09:56:33 -0600, Hans Hagen
On 8/3/2015 5:42 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
Hi Hans,
On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 09:13:34 -0600, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 8/3/2015 4:56 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
what would be the proper name for such a conversion? simplearabic? arabicdigits?
[myconversion] [١,٢,٣,٤,٥,٦,٧,٨,٩,١٠, ١١,١٢,١٣,١٤,١٥,١٦,١٧,١٨,١٩,٢٠, ۲۱,۲۲,۲۳,۲٤,۲٥,۲٦,۲۷,۲۸,۲۹,۳۰, another million entries
the next beta will have:
What's wrong with 'persiannumerals' and 'arabicnumerals' which we had before? They are not supposed to by synonymous for abjadnumerals... In any case we need
U+: [0030-0039] -> [0660-0669]: arabicdecimals U+: [0030-0039] -> [06F0-06F9]: persiandecimals
don't confuse decimals with alphabetic ones
a b c ... z aa ab ac ... az ....
1 2 3 ... 10 11 12
so decimals is mapping chars 0-9 onto whatever else, in principle we can have 15 => ae and 21 => ba
Sure, but that's what abjadnumerals are for. Right now we have abjadnumerals=persiannumerals=arabicnumerals If that's intentional, then no problem, arabicdecimals and persiandecimals are fine nomenclature Ah, it just hit me: You're making a literal analogy with romannumerals.... Best wishes Idris -- Idris Samawi Hamid Professor of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523