Dear ConTeXt users, me again. I tried to send this emails before, but it seemed to be blocked, because I attached a sample file that seemed too big. This time I have a question concerning presentations. I was not able to figure out how I can define presentation steps in a way that each step is shipped as a single PDF page in the output. By this I mean steps in one slide that unfold step by step by moving on to the next pdf page. (This means one slide is represented in the PDF as a whole bunch of pages.) The command \StartSetps and \FlushStep does something like that, but this seems to use some JAVA script magic that only works using Adobe Acrobat (and the steps are unfolded by hitting the mouse button and not by going on to the next PDF page). How can it be modified in a way that a new page per step is created containing the next step in a way that going to the next pdf page unfolds the next step? You can get an example using (code out of the file present-stepper-001.tex out of the distribution) \usemodule[present-stepper] \starttext \Topic{Female Artists} \StartSteps \startitemize \item Fiona Apple \FlushStep \item Tori Amos \FlushStep \item Kate Bush \FlushStep \item Heather Nova \FlushStep \item Alanis Morissette \FlushStep \item Suzanne Vega \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stoptext I really like the step solution ConTeXt uses but it would be nice to be able to switch between the (supposed) JAVA script solution and the presentation of a the steps of a slide as several pages. Besides that, it would be nice, too, to be able to configure the step mechanism in a way that the arrow keys of the keyboard unfold the next step (instead of hitting the mouse button). Is there any possibility to do that (if it would be, I would in deed prefer the ConTeXt approach to steps before the LaTeX one with several pages per slide). Apart from that, I have noticed that viewing the steps the first time disables them if you go back in the presentation. This means there is no way to go back that preserves the steps as such (or I was not able to found that way :-) ). (Especially it does not seem to be able to go back one step.) It would be more intuitive if going forward and backward followed the same steps. Another way to achieve something like that would be a reset button for each page that resets the step behaviour after having viewed the slide and it steps for the first time (in a way that for second viewing the steps mechanism could be reset). Apart form that the beamer package of LaTeX knows some commands like \only<[number of slide]>{<content>} that places the content in the brackets {} on the slide only at slide number [number of slide]. Does ConTeXt have a command like that? Thank you for your assistance! Kind regards Mathias Schickel