Hi Tobias,
When I try to use \setupenumerations in the latest beta (2013.03.22 12:06) for multiple enumerations, the alternative=... is ignored for all but the first enumeration.
It's not just the enumeration; e.g. the color key, too is applied to only to the first enumeration class named. I haven't seen the idiom \setupenumerations[a,b][...] before; I have always used \setupenumerations[a][...] \setupenumerations[b][...] which works fine. Does the manual you were using mention anywhere that the [a,b] idiom should work? If it doesn't, perhaps you simply made a misassumption; if it does, someone more knowledgeable should tell us whether it is the manual or the code that is wrong. Thanks anyhow for bringing this up on the mailing list, of course. And have fun learning ConTeXt! Cheers, Sietse (Slightly changed MWE below, which shows the behaviour of serried) \defineenumeration[a] [text=a] \defineenumeration [b] [text=b] % This only sets up a \setupenumerations [a,b][alternative=serried, color=red] % This sets up both a and b % \setupenumerations [a][alternative=serried, color=red] % \setupenumerations [b][alternative=serried, color=red] \starttext \starta \input ward \stopa \startb \input ward \stopb \stoptext