Dear John, I was playing with some code from the "details" manual. My intention was to make "thumbholes" i.e. a coloured mark with the chapter number on it at the edge of the page at each starting chapter. The idea is then to cut the pages before that mark ... Though there is certain progress I am unable to use the \headnumber[chapter] in a calculation to move the mark down the edge for each chapter until arrived at the bottom and then restart at the top ... (This is a wish of a bookbinder for preparing a manual ...) But I was able to make your "problem" work with the same approach. Please refer to the attached file "bleedingpagenumber.tex". Though it does surely not win a price for beauty, it works. You will have to play with the different x and y, width and height components to move the pagenumber to the desired place. ... Kind regards Willi John Culleton wrote:
I want to place the page number vertically centered in the outer margin, with some prettyprinting. Does one do this with the \setpagenumber command, the \inmargin command, or some combination thereof?
I can figure out how to do it in plain TeX but I hate to revert to plain just for this feature.
% pagenumbers in the margin at half makeupheight % % Context file % filename: bleedingpagenumber.tex % W. Egger % 12.04.2004 \setupoutput[pdftex] \usetypescript[palatino][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[palatino,rm,12pt] \setuppapersize[A4][A3,portrait] \setuplayout[location=middle] \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppagenumbering[state=start,location={footer,marginedge}] \startreusableMPgraphic{Pagenumberbackground} path p; p := fullcircle scaled 50pt ; fill p withcolor blue; p := unitsquare xyscaled 50pt shifted (0,-25pt); fill p withcolor blue; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture leftenlarged 50pt ; % draw bbox currentpicture withcolor red ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \defineoverlay[Pagenumberbackground] [\useMPgraphic{Pagenumberbackground}] \definelayer [Pagenumber] [width=\rightmarginwidth, height=\rightmarginwidth] \startsetups Pagenumber \setups[Pagenumber:Number] \setups[Pagenumber:Finish] \stopsetups \startsetups Pagenumber:Number \setlayerframed [Pagenumber] [x=1mm, y=50pt, location={right,top}] [width=\dimexpr(\cutspace-\rightmargindistance), height=\dimexpr(\cutspace-\rightmargindistance), foregroundcolor=yellow, background=Pagenumberbackground, frame=on, offset=none, align={middle,lohi}] {\framed[frame=on, width=.8\rightmarginwidth, align={left,lohi}, offset=8pt] {\pagenumber}}% \stopsetups \startsetups Pagenumber:Finish \framed [width=\makeupwidth, height=\headerheight, background=Pagenumber, frame=off] {} \stopsetups \setuptexttexts[margin] [] [\setups{Pagenumber}] \setupheadnumber[chapter][8] \starttext \showframe \chapter{This is chapter no \headnumber[chapter]} \chapter{This is chapter no \headnumber[chapter]} \chapter{This is chapter no \headnumber[chapter]} \chapter{This is chapter no \headnumber[chapter]} \chapter{This is chapter no \headnumber[chapter]} \stoptext