[I'm copying to the XeTeX list--this may not be ConTeXt-specific. -atl] Dalyoung said this at Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:03:37 +0900:
1) Recently, I upgraded ConTeXt new version and got a problem in compilation. However, after upgrading texexec and creating format files, it is working fine with some warning messages as following:
WARNING: Type1 font data returned by OFAStreamPSDownload isn't in the correct format required by the Adobe Type 1 Font Format specification. WARNING: Type1 font data returned by OFAStreamPSDownload isn't in the correct format required by the Adobe Type 1 Font Format specification. WARNING: Type1 font data returned by OFAStreamPSDownload isn't in the correct format required by the Adobe Type 1 Font Format specification.
I noticed this too on my recent re-install. I presume it's an issue with legacy type1 .pfb files being wrapped in a Mac format. However, I am not 100% certain this issue is independent of XeTeX on Tiger: I didn't really test the previous ConTeXt with XeTeX on 10.4.
I don't know the causes of these warnings. I am using personal script file for Korean, but there was no warning before in the same condition.
The first thing to figure out is if XeLaTeX users encounter this as well on Tiger when using legacy fonts. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk Lancaster University, InfoLab21 +44(0)1524/510.514 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-