Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
This was my thread about: I tried \setuplabeltext[deo] and was wondering why it doesn't work. How should someone know that it doesn't work?!
Frankly, I don't know where this is documented. But it doesnt work because "deo" is a descendant of "de", thanks to this definition in lang-ger.tex: \installlanguage % old german [deo] [\c!spacing=\v!packed, \c!default=\s!de, % < this line does it \c!state=\v!stop] The same is true for a few other languages: no (norwegian) -> nl % BUG! uk (british) -> en us (american) -> en agr (ancient greek) -> gr For Hans: that the norwegian definition is wrong. Even if it uses dutch hyphenation patterns, it should definately not use the dutch label texts. Cheers, Taco