Hi everybody... I downloaded 'contex-setup-linux-64.zip minimals' and I have not had any problem to install it; but, when I try to make 'ctxtools --update', it generates.: -------------------- /opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/texmfstart:1755: warning: Insegure world writable dir /tmp/ in PATH, mode 041777 /op/context/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/ruby/base/system.rb:16:warning: Insegure world writable dir /tmp/ in PATH, mode 041777 CtxTools | updating /opt/context/tex/texmf-context:/opt/context/tex/texmf CtxTools | unable to change to /opt/context/tex/texmf-context/:/opt/context/tex/texmf -------------------- I am owner of '/opt/context' and '/tmp dir' are into '/opt/context/tmp' with '1777 permissions'. The configuration files are.: -------------------- TEXMFCACHE=/opt/contex/tmp TEXMFTEMP=$TEXMFCACHE TEXMF_HOME=/opt/context/tex TEXMF_BIN=${TEXMF_HOME}/texmf-linux-64/bin PATH=$TEXMFCACHE:$TEXMFTEMP:$TEXMF_HOME:$TEXMF_BIN:$PATH export TEXMFCACHE TEXMFTEMP TEXMF_HOME TEXMF_BIN PATH -------------------- The 'luatex', 'xetex', ... are correct; i.e.: -------------------- luatex --version | head -1 This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.20.2-2007121718 xetex --version | head -1 XeTeX 3.141592-2.2-0.997 (Web2C 7.5.6) -------------------- How do I update 'contex', 'luatex', ...? Or do I download a minimum version whenever I want to update, again and again? Huge work guys and thanks for possible help