18 Nov
18 Nov
8:34 a.m.
Thursday, November 18, 2004 Christopher Creutzig wrote:
Nikolai Weibull wrote:
verb-ini and nath both define (incompatible) instances of \save- and \restorecatcode. Simply renaming them in nath to \NATH(save|restore)catcode seems to work fine. Any suggestions?
I had sent a patch for that some months ago. Giuseppe, any chance of an updated t-nath.tex in the near future? The incompatibility with \startequation ... \stopequation should also be fixed in some released version.
You're right, sorry. I've been rather busy until recently and I'm only now catching up with the past mail and getting a few things done. I'll try to have the new amsl and nath modules out today. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta