Am 07.01.2013 um 23:20 schrieb Marco Patzer
On 2013–01–07 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Blocks, in contrast to buffers, seem to be able to place content before it is defined. I did not check how they work, but since I didn't see any temporary files, the only possibility is to write the data to the tuc file, I assume. It is by any chance possible to provide a “method=block”?
Yes, blocks are stored in the tux-file while buffers are only stored in memory.
I played for a while with \setdataset to store the content but dropped it because it required multiple runs and especially in the first run the output would be always wrong
That's no problem IMO. Two-pass data is always wrong the first run. In the worst case, it needs an additional run if text moves around too much. But since it's just another method, which is optional, this only applies if it's activated and then the user knows what he/she is doing and that it might be slower.
I can consider it as a optional method.
I think it would be a nice feature. It enables placement of elements where they logically belong, instead of where they are supposed to be printed. It's nothing mission critical though, but you can keep it in mind for a rainy afternoon.
You can try the beta from my bitbucket site [0] which uses a two mechanism for named buffers (\startannotation[<NAME>] … \stopannotation) which can be accessed with \getannotation[<NAME>]. [0] https://bitbucket.org/wolfs/annotation/src Wolfgang