Hi, Le 25/01/2013 13:30, Marco Patzer a écrit :
On 2013–01–25 "H. Özoguz" wrote:
How to add 3mm cut space (extra space) on all four edges?
You did not make yourself clear what exactly you want and where to add the space. Here you find an (incomplete) overview of the page layout dimensions:
I think what he mean is to have a size a little bit bigger than the required format, so one is sure that the page will be full. Example, if you want an image to occupy the top of your page from one border of the paper to the other and touching the top edge, it is usual for a printer (the man not the machine) to have the image protruding left, top and right, so when one cut the paper one is sure that the image will not leave a tiny white space on one of the side. Regards, Alain