Am 25.10.2010 um 15:12 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
Concerning the urlencoding I referred to browsers automatically converting raw urls, like for instance
, which is encoded as
by my browser. As long as your urls mainly consist of unicode strings you might not need the actual (ascii) percent sign. In this case you could be fine simply by converting strings like ‘%C3%A4hre’ to ‘Ähre’, rendering urls percent-less, and rely on the browsers to re-encode them on the fly. Might be a bit far fetched, though.
It is the space the encodes to %20. Thus, it might look a bit strange eg. in cases like this: http://www.cirp.ru/conferences/new%20neighborhood%20policy/publications/frel... There is no way to typeset this in ConTeXt MkIV??? Steffen