On 5/12/2024 3:57 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
> Hi,
> When I want to draw the curve which corresponds to n=60 (blue curve), it
> doesn't seem possible: I don't understand.
> Thanks
> Fabrice
> \startMPpage[offset=1DK]
> numeric u;
> u = 6cm;
> interim linejoin := mitered;
> interim ahangle := 30;
> path xx, yy;
> xx = ( (-0.3,0) -- 1.4 right) scaled u;
> yy = ( (-0.1,0) -- 1.8 right) rotated 90 scaled u;
> def compute_curve(suffix f)(expr xmin, xmax, xinc) =
> ((xmin,f(xmin))
> for x=xmin+xinc step xinc until xmax:
> .. (x,f(x))
> endfor)
> enddef;
> for i = 1 upto 4:
> vardef f(expr x) =x+exp(-i*x) enddef;
> path curve;
> curve = compute_curve(f,-0.4,1.4,0.0001) scaled u;
> draw curve;
> endfor;
> vardef f(expr x) =x+exp(-6*x) enddef;
> path curve;
> curve = compute_curve(f,-0.4,1.4,0.0001) scaled u;
> draw curve;
> vardef f(expr x) =x+exp(-15*x) enddef;
> path curve;
> curve = compute_curve(f,-0.4,1.4,0.0001) scaled u;
> draw curve;
> vardef f(expr x) =x+exp(-60*x) enddef;
> path curve;
> curve = compute_curve(f,-0.4,1.4,0.0001) scaled u; ->>>>> not
> drawn
best put a comment before the ->>>>>>>
> draw curve withcolor blue;
> drawarrow (0,0) -- (u,0) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp;
> drawarrow (0,0) -- (0,u) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp;
> label.urt("A",(0,1u));
> draw xx;
> draw yy;
> draw (1u,0) -- (1u,1.8u);
> label.llft("0",(0,0));
> vardef mark_y_axis(expr value, name) =
> save p; pair p; p = value * u * up;
> draw (left--right) scaled 1 shifted p;
> label.lft(name, p shifted 2 left);
> enddef;
> for a = 1 upto 1:
> mark_y_axis(a, "");
> endfor
> mark_y_axis(1, "$1$");
> vardef mark_x_axis(expr value, name) =
> save p; pair p; p = value * u * right;
> draw (up--down) scaled 1 shifted p;
> label.bot(name, p shifted 2 down);
> enddef;
> for a = 1 upto 1:
> mark_x_axis(a, "");
> endfor
> mark_x_axis(1, "$1$");
> path rectangle;
> rectangle = (-0.3u,-0.4u) -- (1.3u,-0.4u) -- (1.3u,-0.4u) --
> (1.3u,1.4u) -- (-0.3u,1.4u)--cycle;
> clip currentpicture to rectangle;
> \stopMPpage
your exp usage:
if you see what huge numbers come out of that, like
-51.006602 11100558579.857309 l
-50.989594 11034154639.123087 l
-50.972586 10968147929.149401 l
-50.955579 10902536073.687559 l
-50.938571 10837316710.703716 l
you could imagine a viewer crapping out on that because no matter what
one clips it still is 'kind of drawn', so what viewer do you use?
Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
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