Hi, I’m trying to get a linear shade in the background of my presentation. But it seems like MetaPost can’t handle my self-defined colors: \definecolor[VerlaufVon][c=75,m=5,y=95,k=60] \definecolor[VerlaufNach][c=88,m=95,y=5,k=60] \startuniqueMPgraphic{Verlauf} % old method, also doesn’t work % path p ; % p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ; % linear_shade(p,6,\MPcolor{VerlaufVon},\MPcolor{VerlaufNach}) ; fill fullsquare xyscaled (\overlaywidth,\overlayheight) withshademethod "linear" withshadevector (0.5,2.5) %withshadedirection shadedup withshadecolors ("VerlaufVon", "VerlaufNach") ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[verlaufen][\useMPgraphic{Verlauf}] \setupbackgrounds[paper][background={verlaufen}] \starttext \strut \stoptext The background consists of a blue and a green area instead of a shade. While testing I sometimes got a few more stripes in the top and bottom area, can’t reproduce any more. I also tried RGB and hex (HTML) definitions. Predefined colors work. According to the MetaFun manual, either \MPcolor{name} or just "name" should work. What’s wrong? Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD