Am 07.09.2010 um 17:03 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
Op dinsdag 7 sep 2010 15:35 CEST schreef Wolfgang Schuster:
I am still trying to make a useful environment for paper feedback forms. One thing I am trying to do now, is to but lines on the back for when someone needs more space to give the feedback. For this I made the following macro: \def\PageWithComment[#1]{ \page #1 \crlf\crlf \thinrules[n=35,inbetween=\vskip1.5ex] \page }
There are several needed optimisations. For starters the number of lines is hard coded. Is there a way to calculate them?
\def\PageWithComment[#1]% {\page #1 \blank[2*line] \getnoflines{\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal-3\lineheight\relax} \thinrules[n=\noflines] \page}
I tried something like that, but that generated 32 pages. Had properly to do with the inbetween.
I changed it to: \def\PageWithComment[#1]{ \page #1 \blank {\switchtobodyfont[2.3em] \getnoflines{\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal-3\lineheight\relax} \thinrules[n=\noflines] } \page}
For the inbetween by thinrules I use 1.4em, but to get the same space I need to use here 2.3em. Do not know why.
The number of lines are calculated with the normal line distance and your extra space is not taken into account by the calculation. Instead of changing the fontsize you can change the interlinespace but for vertical distances you should use ex-values and not em-values. Here is a variant which use the inbetween key and use the value for the calculation of the lines: \def\PageWithComment[#1]% {\page #1 \blank[2*line] \scratchcounter\dimexpr(\pagegoal-\pagetotal-2\lineheight)/(\dimexpr\lineheight+2.2ex\relax)\relax \thinrules[n=\number\scratchcounter,inbetween={\blank[2.2ex]}] \page} Wolfgang