Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Dear Metafun Wizards,
I have noticed some strange behaviour with box shading. It works OK until some number of shadings. Please see example: http://typokvitek.com/tmp/shade-many.pdf Any idea for solving? Next not-minimal but small and illustrative example can help.
works ok here; since it concerns independent mp runs, i cannot imagine what goes wrong; mayeb a bad random numer; does your log say something?
My results are the same as Vit's example: The last 9 items are not shaded but have 3 black sides and 1 white one (with \write18 disabled, using a single \jobname-mpgraph.mp)
I don't know what is going, but at least I can reproduce the problem.
it's related to the fact that there can be 1000 specials only (this /1000 in mp-spec)
if you add:
\def\MPrgbnumber#1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber#10000.00000\relax} \def\doMPrgbnumber#1.#2#3#4#5#6\relax{#2#3#4#5}
\startMPinclusions _special_div_ := 10000 ; \stopMPinclusions
to the file, and change all 1000's in mp-spec.tex into _special_div_ it works ok; so, the question (for taco is): does mp have the right
Really? Hmmm, not for me. I have got the graphics with flat color per picture; every picture in the sequence has lighter and lighter color (starting from black). (After performing your instructions in the mp-spec.mp and refreshing metafun.mem.)
can you try the experimental zip i posted yesterday (.../temp/cont-tmf.zip) forget about the definitions, just set \settrue \manyMPspecials in your file
should work
yes, it works! Now it works even on my old distrib also. Seems the crutial line was inside this vardef: vardef add_special_signal = % write the version number if (length _global_specials_ <> 0) or (length _local_specials_ <> 0) : special ("%%MetaPostSpecials: 2.0 " & decimal _special_signal_ & " " & decimal _special_div_) ; fi ; enddef ; Again many thanks, Hans Vit