On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 12:10 AM Hans Hagen
On 12/11/2019 12:03 AM, luigi scarso wrote:
On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 9:27 PM Henri Menke
mailto:henrimenke@gmail.com> wrote: Dear devs,
The example below crashes LuaTeX with a segmentation fault. It is reproducible with LuaTeX 1.10.1 7143 and LuaTeX 1.11.2 7226. To this end I built 7226 from source with --debugopt to get a backtrace, which can be found below as well.
Cheers, Henri
\directlua{token.set_macro(-1, "foo","\string\\,")} \show\foo \foo \bye
I guess that we have to check if catcodetable -1 is already defined...
i already sent you a patch, probbaly also ok for trunk
yes, seen
but one needs to be careful as fo rinstance \string\foo is seen as <formfeed>oo so often one also needs to escape properly
I always start with [==[ ... ]==] ie \directlua{token.set_macro(-1, [==[foo]==],[==[\string\\,]==])} gdb reports this [==[\string\\,]==] string as "\\\\," which is an array of char of length 3 ie {'\\','\\',','} With \directlua{token.set_macro(-1, [==[foo]==],"\string\\,")} gdb reports "\\," ie {'\\','\,'} I always check which one is the correct one... -- luigi