On 13 Jan 2024, at 20:29, Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 13.01.24 um 21:09 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Here’s the image: https://yemaya.fiee.net/s/8TqwfcP7mLMmy9p (In a simple document it works.) I found a workaround: I opened the file with Inkscape and converted everything in curves. The PDF is even smaller now, and it proves that the problem was with the fonts. Saving it in Acrobat Pro didn’t help. BTW the "compact" settings didn’t change anything for my big songbook (hundreds of note line PDFs with included fonts); I’m not sure about the code examples in my ConTeXt book.
I found more graphics (PDFs with included fonts) that triggered the error, one of them a LilyPond example that was no problem in the songbook. Something in my ConTeXt book setup causes a different handling of these externalfigures – but a small example with the same environments worked.
Whenever I've had odd results like this it's been the result of an accumulation of 'small' errors. For example, I once had a missing } in a macro in an environment file. For whatever reason, it didn't trigger an immediate end to the compilation run and a product with one or two components (using that environment) didn't trigger odd behaviour. But once all components were included then the odd behaviours started happening. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK