On Tuesday 18 August 2009 03:30:36 pm Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 18.08.2009 um 21:29 schrieb John Culleton:
Also I find font handling easier in pdftex. Just a single statement is needed.
Can you a bit more specific what do you mean with this sentence.
Well if I want bitstream charter roman at 11.2pts I can say \font\rm bchr8r at 11.2pt and I am done. Or I can define something called \fontsize and make it the referent for all my font statements: \newdimen\fontsize \fontsize=11.2pt \baselineskip= 1.1\fontsize \font\rm bchr8r at \fontsize \font\bo bchbo8t at 1.1\fontsize ...and so on. If I need the book a little longer I just change \fontsize. I have even done tricks like this: \fontfam=bch \font\rm \fontfam r8r at \fontsize Introducing a new font into TeX is never simple but I find it easier if I don't have to construct (and debug) an elaborate chain of font synonyms. It may be the luatex has made life simpler (or at least more exciting!) I will examine that prospect next. But right now I am typesetting novels, memoirs and the like. The fewer variables I have to contend with the better. YMMV of course. -- John Culleton Create Book Covers with Scribus/e-book $5.95 http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html