On 29/04/07, Aditya Mahajan
The nuts and pieces are there, but right now there is no such function. Here is what you can do. Write a batch script which calls 2context (see the complete command in \runvimsyntax in t-vim). Run it on the file that you want. After loading t-vim, add the following line
I can't get it to work. I've added that line and then I've used the syntax you posted previously: \typevimfile[convert=no][copy.tmp] Returns the error: File does not exist. (Or more precisely: [file [ does not exist] Copy.tmp] )
For making the line numbers always appear on the left, add this code after loading t-vim.
\def\showvimlinenumber {\inleft%was \inmargin%TODO: make configurable {\dostartattributes\??vs\c!numberstyle\c!numbercolor\empty \countervalue{vimlinenumber} \dostopattributes}}
That works a charm. Thanks you for doing this so quick!
Strange, I thought that with your font setup ConTeXt should fall back to latin modern mono. Anyway, Wolfgang's suggestion should work and will give you latin modern mono scaled properly to match Palatino's height.
Yep. It's sorted itself out now.
Don't worry. I made this module to just have the features that I needed. As a result, there are lot of things that are missing from the module. Your effort to make the module work has been a good feedback to me.
Ah that's good. Well I'll try and give as much as you can bear! :) -- Chris