Hello, I'm struggling with the grid. I've stepped from LaTeX to luaLaTeX for a simpler font selection, and from luaLaTeX to ConTeXt for getting a usable grid (because I was told that it supports typesetting on a grid). Now that I got font selection working as desired in ConTeXt, the grid is driving me crazy. I'm trying to use the grid as described in details.pdf, and I want halfline spacing around formulas in text, because a full line is definitely too much. This is what I'm compiling: \setupbodyfont[10pt,serif] % should be lm? \setuplayout[grid=yes] \setuptextformulas[step=halfline] \starttext \showgrid Testing inline math: \gform{x_2 = \frac{a}{b}}. The following line should be seperated from this one by half a line, but it isn't. Testing inline math: \gform[-]{x_2 = \frac{a}{b}}. The following line should be seperated from this one by half a line, but it isn't. \stoptext Both paragraphs look identical, the second line is too far away from the first one. What's wrong with my code? Also, how can I manually depart from the grid, e.g. for block quotes? Regards, Christoph