Greetings from a new user! When trying out lilypond from context for the first time yesterday, I found that t-lilypond.tex invokes lilypond with a command-line option "-b", which is not valid in lilypond 2.12. \def\LP{texmfstart --ifchanged=\lily!filename.tmp --exec bin:lilypond -b eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts \lily!filename.tmp} To illustrate the problem: I was using the "Starlight" sample on . Well, I wrapped the sample code in \starttext ... \stoptext . When I changed "-b eps" to "-dbackend=eps", lilypond executed successfully and I started getting proper results. (Though, please note, I had to delete the various temporary files produced in the unsuccessful attempts first.) Is this a known problem? Best wishes-- --Richard Chonak