Hi, sorry to be a bit repetitive, but this still doesn't work as expected (in MkII, but see also below): \starttext \startitemize[intro] \dorecurse{12}{% \item \dorecurse{\recurselevel}{This is some intro. }Intro ends here. \startitemize[intro,columns,two] \dorecurse{4}{% \item \dorecurse{1}{This is a test. }End of the test. }% \stopitemize }% \stopitemize \stoptext (see page 2 and 3). I guess nothing wrt. itemizations changed in the new beta (I tested the above example in the online ConTeXt), so it's no surprise, but I still have no clue as to the reasons and any remedies. I use two-column itemizations *a lot*, so this is a serious problem for me... Any ideas how to prevent the unnecessary page break? PS. I have just noticed that this works correctly with luatex!!! And so do unpacked two-column itemizations!!! That's just great!!! So my question now becomes: does this mean that MkII is just obsolete for me and I should upgrade to MkIV? And two more things: 1. I have noticed that "unpacked" itemization in columns has the whitespace between items equal to one line. Is it possible to make it shorter, say half a line? 2. I've also noticed that the second (last?) column of itemization seems *never* to be longer that the previous ones, which seems to be quite reasonable, but sometimes it would be better for it to be one line longer than two lines shorter. Is there a way of e.g. inserting a manual column-break within multi-column itemizations and/or letting the last column be longer? Sorry people for being such a nuisance, but - as I've said - I use itemizations a lot (mainly for different kinds of problem sets for my students or my wife's pupils;)) and these issues appear quite often. Also, I'd like to teach a bit of ConTeXt to my wife, who would like it to *simply work* (she's great, but no TeX hacker;)). Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) People can be divided into three groups: those who can count and those who can't.