On 10/09/2024 06:52, Felix wrote:
I want to use Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) and I always get this message when I have my Windows Terminal, vs code and acrobat setup
backend > quitting because file 'Chapter 4 Assignment.pdf' cannot be opened for writing
I run into no problems with using sumatra or okular, but Adobe Acrobat free seems to have this problem. Is there a way to fix this? The way I run context on windows is by making the doc in vscode (no extension, just plain vscode), compiling in Windows Terminal and using a pdf viewer to then view stuff.
Acrobat locks files when open - as such, you have to close your PDF before you run any process that modifies it (so true for all *TeX). It's one reason there is a tendency not to use Acrobat as the main previewer in TeX workflows. That said, some editors (WinEdt at least) will auto-close the PDF when starting a run for exactly this reason. Joseph