Hi, I am setting up a head which simply puts its contents in a layer, so that I can control where to place the head. If the head is followed by an itemize, I get spurious white space. See the following test file. Page 1 is head followed by text, which is OK. Page 2 is head followed by itemize, which has extra space. page 3 is just itemize which is ok. \definelayer[test] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, x=5cm,y=1cm] \def\mylayer#1#2{\setlayer[test]{#1#2}} \definehead[testhead][subject] \setuphead[testhead] [before=, after=, alternative=text, command=\mylayer] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=test] \showframe \showboxes \starttext \testhead{First} \input knuth \page \testhead{Hello} \startitemize \item A \item B \stopitemize \page \startitemize \item A \item B \stopitemize \stoptext How do I get rid of the extra space? Aditya