Hello, I'm a new user of context (and of this mailing list). I'm facing some problems in splitting the \startalign ... \stopalign content on more pages. This is the formulas: \setupformulas[align=right] \startformula \startalign[n=3, align={left, right, left}] \NC \text{dove} \quad \NC Y \NC = min \left({{e_{yfitest}} \over {R_{fi}}}; 0.04 \right) = min \left({{\sbc{e_yfitest}} \over {\sba{R_fi}}}; 0.04 \right) =\sbd{Y} \NR \NC \NC Z \NC = log_{10} \left({1 \over Y} \right) = log_{10} \left({1 \over \sbd{Y}} \right) = \sbc{Z} \NR \NC \NC X \NC = {{r_{fi}} \over {D_{ifi}}} = {{\sba{r_fi}} \over {\sba {D_ifi}}} = \sbd{X} \NR \NC \NC N \NC = 1.006 - {1 \over {6.2 + \left(90 \cdot Y \right)^4}} = 1.006 - {1 \over {6.2 + \left(90 \cdot \sbd{Y} \right)^4}} = \sbd{N} \NR \startluacode if X==0.06 then tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.06} \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.3635 \\cdot Z^3 + 2.2124 \\cdot Z^2 - 3.2937 \\cdot Z + 1.8873 \\right) = \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.3635 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^3 + 2.2124 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^2 - 3.2937 \\cdot \\sbc{Z} + 1.8873 \\right) = \\sbc {beta006} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta \\NC =\\beta_{0.06}=\\sbc{beta006} \\NR") elseif X>0.06 and X<0.1 then tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.06} \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.3635 \\cdot Z^3 + 2.2124 \\cdot Z^2 - 3.2937 \\cdot Z + 1.8873 \\right) = \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.3635 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^3 + 2.2124 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^2 - 3.2937 \\cdot \\sbc{Z} + 1.8873 \\right) = \\sbc {beta006} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.1} \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot Z^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot Z^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot Z + 0.837 \\right) = \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot \\sbc{Z} + 0.837 \\right) = \\sbc {beta01} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta \\NC = 25 \\cdot \\left[ \\left(0.1 - X \\right) \\cdot \\beta_{0.06} + \\left(X - 0.06 \\right) \\cdot \\beta_{0.1} \\right]= \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = 25 \\cdot \\left[ \\left(0.1 - \\sbd{X} \\right) \\cdot \\sbc{beta006} + \\left(\\sbd{X} - 0.06 \\right) \\cdot \\sbc {beta01} \\right]=\\sbd{beta} \\NR") elseif X==0.1 then tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.1} \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot Z^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot Z^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot Z + 0.837 \\right) = \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot \\sbc{Z} + 0.837 \\right) = \\sbc {beta01} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta \\NC =\\beta_{0.1}=\\sbc{beta01} \\NR") elseif X>0.1 and X<0.2 then tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.1} \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot Z^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot Z^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot Z + 0.837 \\right) = \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = N \\cdot \\left(-0.1833 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^3 + 1.0383 \\cdot \\sbc{Z}^2 - 1.2943 \\cdot \\sbc{Z} + 0.837 \\right) = \\sbc {beta01} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.2} \\NC = max \\left[ 0.95 \\cdot \\left(0.56 - 1.94 \\cdot Y - 82.5 \\cdot Y^2 \\right); 0.5 \\right] \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = max \\left[ 0.95 \\cdot \\left(0.56 - 1.94 \\cdot \\sbd{Y} - 82.5 \\cdot \\sbd{Y}^2 \\right); 0.5 \\right] = \\sbd {beta02} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta \\NC = 10 \\cdot \\left[ \\left(0.2 - X \\right) \\cdot \\beta_{0.1} + \\left(X - 0.1 \\right) \\cdot \\beta_{0.2} \\right]= \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = 10 \\cdot \\left[ \\left(0.2 - \\sbd{X} \\right) \\cdot \\sbc{beta01} + \\left(\\sbd{X} - 0.1 \\right) \\cdot \\sbc {beta02} \\right]=\\sbd{beta} \\NR") elseif X==0.2 then tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta_{0.2} \\NC = max \\left[ 0.95 \\cdot \\left(0.56 - 1.94 \\cdot Y - 82.5 \\cdot Y^2 \\right); 0.5 \\right] \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\NC = max \\left[ 0.95 \\cdot \\left(0.56 - 1.94 \\cdot \\sbd{Y} - 82.5 \\cdot \\sbd{Y}^2 \\right); 0.5 \\right] = \\sbd {beta02} \\NR") tex.print("\\NC \\NC \\beta \\NC =\\beta_{0.2}=\\sbd{beta02} \\NR") end \stopluacode \stopalign \stopformula \setupformulas[align=middle] I have already tried to insert split=yes in the options of the align environment without success. I have read in "Using \startalign and friends" which is a document dated 2006 that the splitting capability of \startalign is broken. Is it still so? And by the way, is there a clever way to write a block of text under some conditions as shown in the example above other than tex.print(".....") which forces to escape every command? Thank you very much. Bye