On 4/26/24 19:50, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context schrieb am 26.04.2024 um 19:04:
I tried this approach (I hope it isn’t wrong):
\starttext \expanded\tolerant\def\MyCommand#_#,#_#,#_#,#_{%
The \expanded modifier is wrong (I guess you meant \unexpanded) but which check for the number of arguments you use doesn't matter in a document.
You are right, I meant \unexpanded.
The LMTX version of the \iffourthargument etc. checks is the \ifarguments commands where you use \or to set a case for the number of argument passed.
Many thanks for explaining this too.
But what are these "#_" (which don’t seem to come from TeX)?
Hans added many additions to command parameters in Luametatex and #_ means the argument to a commands has to be enclosed in braces while #1 allows you to pass text without it.
I get it now.
You can find a list with all new command parameters in lowlevel-macros.pdf.
An interesting reading for the weekend. Many thanks for your help, Pablo