Hello, ** Kip Warner [2011-12-18 20:48:11 -0800]:
On Sat, 2011-12-17 at 11:56 +0900, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
system > cont-new.mkiv loaded (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv ) but this and other paths are odd, this is not context-suite (aka context minimal). Are you sure that you use correct version? I suspect that you have Ubuntu with TL installed (therefore /usr/share/...), and may be context suite somewhere.
I am using Ubuntu, and I'm not sure what TL is. I think that might mean Texlive, Yes which I don't know much about. it doesn't matter.
Please provide more information: - either you use context suite (which version, where it is installed, how you set up PATH,...), - or you use PPA, - or TL with context from Ubuntu package repository.
I am using context from Adam's PPA, version 2:2011.11.29~maverick1: https://launchpad.net/~reviczky/+archive/context-daily As I thought, (all those /usr/share... paths) but this version differs from that your log tells (2011.11 and 2011.12). I would recommend to use context suite (aka context minimal), see context garden. For example, you could install CS (= context suite) either under $HOME/context or under /usr/local/opt or under /opt (i.e. to the location where you have permission to write).
I also apparently have a shitload of texlive* packages installed. They all look like they are official Ubuntu packages. Should I keep them? As simple advice: "don't touch them" (this is another story). You could use CS independently from these packages.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Catproof is an oxymoron, childproof nearly so.