Hi. ** Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o. [2010-12-03 08:51:41 +0100]:
Hello all,
I'd to explain some effects in the .pdf from the code bellow. It was copied from co-font.pdf, pg. 19-20; just "Abc" was added to try something.
--- \enableregime[cp1250]
\starttext $Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $\bf Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $Abc\sqrt{625}=\bf5\alpha$ $\bfmath Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$
\definetypeface[whow][mm][math,boldmath][modern][default]%[encoding=texnansi] []
$Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $\bf Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $Abc\sqrt{625}=\bf5\alpha$ $\bfmath Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$
$Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $\bf Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ $Abc\sqrt{625}=\bf5\alpha$ $\bfmath Abc\sqrt{625}=5\alpha$ \stoptext ---
Things I cannot do or understand:
- The "alpha" symbol is not printed as soon as it's used in \bf or \bfmath mode (lines 2-4 in each paragraph). Why? How to make it appear?
- - The same effect may be observed in the co-fonts.pdf at the pg. 19 at the lowest line - there is bold font working, but "alpha" is missing as well.
- - - Unfortunately, there is no fully working example in the document with bold math and "alpha" together.
- In my example, normal (thin) "Abc" is shown a bit slanted (as should be in math mode). Once it is used in bold math mode, it's no more slanted but "vertical" as normal text. Is there a way how to keep the "slantedness" even in math bold mode? (This is e.g. often used to mark vectors.)
IMHO (I'm not expert in context) this depends on used fonts. See for example follwoing: <example file="ex1.tex"> \setupbodyfont[cambria] \starttext This is a test. $a=\alpha$ $\bf a=\alpha$ $\bi a=\alpha$ \stoptext </example> BTW, I not sure if I use "correct" way to switch fonts in math mode (in LaTeX commands to switch fonts are different in text and math mode, and I have big LaTex background, so for me this way is unusual :). P.S. My example works with mkiv but not with mkii. The last uses "default" fonts that don't have bold variant for greek letters (I could be wrong here, for LaTeX I have to redefine commands for greek letters because there is appropriate font but greek letters are defined in a way so nobody could use bold variant by default). --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Avoid reality at all costs.