Hi all, I have an enumeration: example that will reset by section. Using my own header: Mysection the enumeration is not reset by section. The second instance shows the failure. However, after a \section it suddenly works. And there is a problem with the sectioncounter as well. The headingnumbers are 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 instead of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. See the example below. Regard, Bernard %MTXrun | current version: 2009.08.17 19:06 % linux-32 \definehead[Mysection][section] \defineenumeration[example] [way=bysection, location=left] \def\test{% \ifnum\currentenumerationfullnumber=\recurselevel\relax \currentenumerationfullnumber = \recurselevel\ PASS% \else \currentenumerationfullnumber \not= \recurselevel\ FAIL% \fi } \starttext \dorecurse {2} { \dorecurse {2} { \Mysection{Mysection} \dorecurse {3} {\startexample \test \stopexample} } \dorecurse {2} { \section{Section} \dorecurse {3} {\startexample \test \stopexample} } } \stoptext