I do not know what you precisely want to achieve. You need to give dimensions to the framed part of the \setlayerframed. Position the layer with the layer definition. Preset the layer to lefttop and move it with the x and y keys. \definelayer[TicketSummary] [x=\backspace, y=2\topspace, preset=lefttop, repeat=no] \setlayerframed[TicketSummary] [width=\textwidth,height=.5in,align=flushleft]{ \bold{Client Name:} Acme Corporation \\ \bold{Location of Work:} Main warehouse } Willi On Apr 9, 2009, at 10:14 PM, Design Department wrote:
\definelayer[TicketSummary] [x=\backspace, y=\topspace width=4in, height=4in, repeat=no] \setlayerframed[TicketSummary] [hoffset=.5\backspace, voffset=2.5in]{ \bold{Client Name:} \\ Acme Corporation \\ \bold{Location of Work:} Main warehouse }
\starttext Hello world! \stoptext