Hello, If I put any image, there is no problem : the title of the section is in color and the text in black. With a graphic made with TikZ, the title and the text are in color. Thank you for your help. Fabrice \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule [graph] \usemodule[pgfplots] \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \definecolor[Mycolor][c=.6,m=0.8,y=0,k=0] \unexpanded\def\interff#1#2{\math{\left[#1\,;#2\right]}} \setuphead [section] [textcommand=, color=magenta, style=] \starttext \startsection[title={Résoudre graphiquement une équation \math{f(x)=g(x)}},sectionsegments=section,color=magenta] \placefigure[none,right]{}{ \hbox{\switchtobodyfont[8pt] \starttikzpicture[/pgf/declare function={f(\x)=\x^2-3;},/pgf/declare function={g(\x)=-\x^2+2*\x+1;}] \startaxis[ restrict x to domain=-3:3, xmax=3, xmin=-3, restrict y to domain=-5:4, ymax=4, ymin=-5, x=1cm, y=0.5cm, axis x line = middle, axis y line = middle, axis line style = thick, major grid style=Mycolor, minor grid style=Mycolor, grid=both, xtick={-2,...,2}, ytick={-4,...,3}, extra x ticks={-3,3}, extra x tick label={\null}, extra y ticks={-5,4}, extra y tick label={\null}, extra tick style={tick style={draw=none}}, every tick/.style={ black, thick, }, y tick label style={ /pgf/number format/1000 sep={} }, xlabel=$x$,ylabel=$y$, every axis x label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1.01)}, anchor=west, }, every axis y label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1.01)}, anchor=south, }, samples=2000,
=stealth, ] \addplot[only marks,mark=x,color=black,mark options={scale=1.5}, thick] table[x=Nombre,y=Valeur]{ Nombre Valeur -1 -2 2 1 } ; \addplot [smooth,domain=-1.5:2.5, thick,magenta] {f(x)} ; \addplot [smooth,domain=-1.5:2.5, thick,green] {g(x)} ;
\node[above left,green] at (2,2) {\math{{\cal C}_g}} ; \node[below right,magenta] at (1.5,-1) {\math{{\cal C}_f}} ; \node[below left ] at (-0.1,-0.1) {\math{0}} ; \node[fill=black,circle,scale=0.4,magenta] at (-1.5,{f(-1.5)}){} ; \node[fill=black,circle,scale=0.4,magenta] at (2.5,{f(2.5)}){} ; \node[fill=black,circle,scale=0.4,green] at (-1.5,{g(-1.5)}){} ; \node[fill=black,circle,scale=0.4,green] at (2.5,{g(2.5)}){} ; \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture}} \input knuth \stopsection \stoptext