Hi! I just began testing the release of tetex and nath is acting up. In the following document, the first math-formula works fine, but the second one (display) doesn't: \usemodule[nath] \starttext $A = (B, C, D, E)$ \placeformula \startformula A = (B, C, D, E) \stopformula \stoptext ! Undefined control sequence. l.6 A = ( B, C, D, E) ? X Any ideas? I'm guessing that the activation of ( messes something up. If ( is changed to \{, the first , (after B) gives the same error. If I use $$ ... $$ instead of \startformula ... \stopformula, it seems to work fine though. nikolai -- ::: name: Nikolai Weibull :: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka ::: ::: born: Chicago, IL USA :: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden ::: ::: page: www.pcppopper.org :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 ::: main(){printf(&linux["\021%six\012\0"],(linux)["have"]+"fun"-97);}