On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Curiouslearn wrote:
I am back to trying Metapost. I spent sometime yesterday and today learning about clipping, buildcycles etc. to fill areas with patterns. I think I will try to write a simple tutorial with it.
Meanwhile, I just updated my installation of Context minimals. The following simple Metapost code does not compile with MKIV, but compiles okay with MKII.
\setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppagenumbering[state=stop]
\startuseMPgraphic{Filling} u := 1cm; w:= 2pt; %Axes path xaxis; path yaxis; xaxis := (0,0)--(12,0) scaled u; yaxis := (0,0)--(0,12) scaled u; path demand; path AC; demand := function (1,"x","10-x",0,10,1) scaled u; AC := function(1,"x","2+8/x",1,10,0.1) scaled u;
drawarrow xaxis withpen pencircle scaled w; drawarrow yaxis withpen pencircle scaled w; draw demand withpen pencircle scaled w withcolor 0.5red; draw AC withpen pencircle scaled w withcolor 0.5green; fill fullcircle scaled u shifted (4*u,5*u) withcolor 0.1[white,blue] ; label(btex \tfb S1 etex,(4,5)*u); \stopuseMPgraphic \midaligned{\useMPgraphic{Filling}}