Hans Hagen wrote:
� wrote:
Hi there,
Using XeTeX, one of the features that I miss at most from XeLaTeX (from fontspec), is the possibility to set automatically the scaling of fonts so that they match the lowercase or uppercase letters of the roman font. I wonder whether there is something similar for ConTeXt.
as already answered in other mails this is possible with the rscale option in typefaces (is completely unrelated to xetex and has been part of the regular context font mechanisms for quite some time)
You can use
\showfontstrip \showminimalbaseline
and alike
relative scaling is not automatic (trivial to implement) simply because it's a visual thing; having similar x-heights is not always the best
Thanks for your explanation, Hans. After using \showfontstrip to get fonts with the same x-height by calculating the rscale factor, I guess it would be very useful (at least for me) to have an option that calculates relative scaling automatically to match both x-heights. I think it would be a useful option for rscale. Thanks, Pablo