26 Jul
26 Jul
1:13 p.m.
Hans Hagen wrote:
anyhow, underbar is from the typewriter time and just a poor mans emphasis thing
Not always. A year ago a graphic designer used it a quiet creative way in the book of interviews. All the questions or persons were underlined, often hyphenated. It was an experiment and it worked. By the way, some of the caption and figure alingment Mojca asked for was used there also. I've put few sample pages here (done in LaTeX): http://web.iol.cz/kula/sample.pdf (1,5MB). And in Wolfgang Weingart: My Way to Typography (2000) underlined text are used everywhere. To much to my taste. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/390704486X?v=glance So not for emphasis but as a graphic element it is -- and will be -- used. Jano