Now that with Hraban's invaluable assistance I am able to include
title, subtitle, author as and when necessary in the ToC and put
them on the same line if I need to, I have two questions that I
have not found a satisfactory solution to after playing around
with various possibilities.
I need:
(1) the author's names lined up vertically throughout the ToC,
(2) the first part of the entry (e.g. Foreword) to be bold, but
the author name to be regular text.
An adjusted version of Hraban's setup can show what I have tried by way of example:
#1\hskip 1cm% title
Question 1: How to get the two author names to line up
vertically. Given that I have both a Foreword and a Preface,
I am using \title for these. And both have separate authors. The
titles will be simply 'Foreword' and 'Preface', obviously.
Foreword Author name
Preface Author name
I am using \hskip 1cm to separate the authors' names from either
of those two words. But this does not give me the kind of exact
positioning I need to get the two author names directly underneath
each other in the list. I have tried various alternatives to
\hskip, but none of them can give me the correct proportional
distance. The distance is obviously being controlled by the fact
that 'Foreword' is 8 characters and 'Preface' is 7. Is what I want
only obtainable with a table setup?
Chapter One Title
Author name
Question 2: How to independently get Foreword and Preface to be bold, but the authors' names to be regular. \setuplist offers me options like textstyle, pagestyle, numberstyle, but they apply to everything (both Foreword/Preface and Authors' name are bold). I thought perhaps I could control it from within the document, e.g.
\starttitle[title={\ss\bf Foreword}][author={A. Uthor}]
But that does the same - both Foreword and A. Uthor end up bold. And besides, I also want to style the ToC independently of the heads if I can.
The wiki and various manuals do offer various tips on modifying the ToC, but I cannot find anything regarding the two questions above - not yet, anyway. If someone knows where, please point me to it.