Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Am 2006-11-12 um 22:17 schrieb Pablo RodrÃguez:
I'm using XeTeX one of the features that I miss at most from XeLaTeX (from fontspec), is the possibility to set automatically the scaling of fonts so that they match the lowercase or uppercase letters of the roman font. I wonder whether there is something similar for ConTeXt.
I never tried XeTeX, but the relative scaling of fonts is setup in typescripts, e.g.
Sorry, I'm a ConTeXt newbie and I'm not sure whether I have expressed myself in an accurate manner or I don't understand what you mean. In XeTeX you can set your fonts in these way: \definetypeface[myfont][rm][Xserif][Junicode] \definetypeface[myfont][tt][Xmono][Epigrafica][][rscale=1] \setupbodyfont[myfont,13pt] But the problem there is that one should know which is the value of rscale is. If \lowercase and \uppercase variables were defined, it would be possible that ConTeXt calculates by itself which is the required scaling factor to match the roman font (lowercase or uppercase, respectively). This is explained (for LaTeX I'm afraid) at page 45 (section 8.7.3) of the fontspec documentation (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.pdf). In this way, it would be possible to autoscale to the rm font all fonts used in a document. I hope it is clear now, Pablo