Am 23.03.2013 um 14:56 schrieb Marco Patzer
how can I set individual offsets for the background, similar to loffset, roffset, etc.?
\defineframedtext [foo] [frame=off, offset=none, backgroundoffset=1cm, %% backgroundloffset=1cm, %% there is no backgroundloffset background=screen]
%% backgroundoffset is applied on all four sides \startfoo \input ward \stopfoo
\input knuth
%% this is what I'm aiming for \startnarrower [-1cm] \startfoo [backgroundoffset=0cm, loffset=1cm] \input ward \stopfoo \stopnarrower
\startuseMPgraphic{framed:background} fill unitsquare xyscaled(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) leftenlarged 1cm withcolor \MPcolor{lightgray}; setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[framed:background][\useMPgraphic{framed:background}] \defineframedtext [foo] [frame=off, offset=none, background=framed:background] \starttext \startfoo \input ward \stopfoo \stoptext Wolfgang