Maurício a écrit :
It's working now, I've just downloaded that file. I belive that paper is letter, although A4 is usually a lot more common here. Sections are not that important, as long as I can have different formats for some lines of text, and I'm sure that's not a problem. For sure, an example would be great!
I'll let you do the job for positionning. You'll find as attached an example... Since it's not obvious to me to make a shapetext with a holed shape (I have tried some tricks but failed), I reserved 2 text areas: 1. (test 1) song list for example 2. (test 2|framedtext) Author & title This example assumes that : - the first label is centered on x=.5\paperwidth y=.75\paperwidth - the second is centered on x=.5\paperwidth y=.25\paperheight You can even put a background image if you want, using overlay and clip... Renaud