16 May
16 May
12:25 p.m.
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Jelle Huisman
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
You should be switch to MkIV if possible, it is easier to select the elements and you don't need different commands for normal div elements as environments or as commands.
Problem is that I have to use XeTeX for some special fonts, so I have to stay with MkII for this project. (Unless there is a way to mix MkII and MkIV that would allow me to use the MkIV xml handling together with the MkII/XeTeX back end. I guess that would involve using MkIV (at least for the xml bit) but shipping the pages to XeTeX rather then to luaTeX. Which is not possible, as far as I know...)
What special fonts or features do you use with XeTeX which are not possible with LuaTeX. Wolfgang