20:40 nibua-r committed 9c5877c Color abstraction. 20:33 nibua-r committed 2a2a9e1 The test file now use t-pretty-c instead of u-pretty-c. 20:31 nibua-r committed 921eca5 u-pretty-c renamed to t-pretty-c as suggested by Hans. Colors are now protected using the C prefix. Concerning the color abstraction patch, one needs just to overload Ccomment, Cpreproc, Cstring, Ctype, Ckeyword, Cname and Cfuncnbound to use custom color scheme. Cheers, Renaud Le 06/12/2010 15:04, Peter Münster a écrit :
On Mon, Dec 06 2010, Hans Hagen wrote:
maybe better the name t-pretty-c is better, of if you follow some strategy t-pretty-emacs-c or so (if there are many variants possible)
The only thing in common with emacs, is the default color-scheme. You can get any variant just by changing the color setup. Peter