Idris Hamid wrote: ============== FYI: I am presently working on a book: Typographical Ontology and Engineering: Structured and Automated Authoring in Context The basic outline is I. Ontology and Theory II. Typographical Engineering in Context [including special topics, advanced techniques of luatex, opentype etc] III. A Typographical Engineer's Reference [organization of options and commands, glossary] IV. Appendix: Authoring in Notepad++ [or some other tool] V. Indices <snip> I look forward to your feedback and suggestions! Best wishes Idris =========================== Hello Idris A chapter or appendix on the fundamentals of Unicode A (big...) chapter on typesetting Arabic :-) would be great --- I've been self-teaching/studying Arabic for a couple of years, time permitting. I hope one day to use ConTeXt to write-up my study notes --- especially the formal grammar which is (need I say) vast! It would be great to be able to document tools whereby you could mark-up any Arabic word (noun, adjective verb etc) to show certain parts in colour or add overbraces/underbraces etc. Colouring the glyphs or other ways of annotating the Arabic text to help your own documenting and understanding of the rules. I'm sure you know what I mean!! Of course, it would be impractical to cover all possibilities but the core task of accessing the node lists (and (maybe) by attributes) to introduce special effects onto the Arabic glyphs. Tools to access the vowelling --- e.g., colour the vowels or add boxes around them etc --- purely for the purposes of aiding understanding/memory etc. Anything that could help students/learners of Arabic to write really well typeset notes, with the Arabic text "annotated" to highlight things that you want to really stress. Especially if it is some tricky point of grammar and you want to really make sure you write a careful account of your hard-earned understanding so you don't forget next time!!! Lots of node-list processing :-) Warm regards Graham