On 3/19/06, David Arnold wrote:
I have this:
\startMPpage %figure library name: sec3q1 ... %label extrema dotlabel.top(btex Local Maximum etex, (-3.2,f(-3.2)) xyscaled (ux,uy)); dotlabel.bot(btex Local Minimum etex, (3.2,f(3.2)) xyscaled (ux,uy));
What I'd like to do is typeset those "Local Maximum" and "Local Minimum" in the defaultfont at a size 2 pts smaller than the default. Any easy way to do this?
I would use either
btex \tfx Local Maximum etex
btex Local Maximum etex scaled 0.9
This scales down the font, although not for 2 points. (Do you really
need exaclty two points?)
Perhaps it is possible to figure out the default font size and use
something like
btex \switchtobodyfont["some strange expression meaning