On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Fabrice
Hi Hans, It's true, I'm a little confused. In fact, the problem is the \ starttikzpicture \ endtikzpicture.
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00] \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD %\starttikzpicture %\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with %$A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} %with $B$}; %\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext The second time La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} is green . -- luigi