Fabrice Couvreur mailto:fabrice1.couvreur@gmail.com 12. Oktober 2015 um 20:58 A small question not directly related context. I would like to turn my image 15 degrees. Thanks, Fabrice
picture pic ; pic := currentpicture ; u := 0.5cm ; z1 = origin ; z2 = (9u, 0) ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 14u ; path q ; q := p shifted (9u,0) ; pair A ; A := p intersectionpoint q ; path a ; a := z1 -- z2 ; path b ; b := z1 -- A ; path c ; c := z2 -- A ; draw a ; draw b ; draw c ; pair I ; pair J ; I := point 0.6 of b ; J := point 0.6 of c ; draw I -- J ; pair L ; L := point 0.8 of b ; label.top("A", A) ; label.lrt("C", z2) ; label.llft("B", origin) ; label.ulft("I", I) ; label.urt("J", J) ; label.ulft("$x$", L) ; draw pic rotated 15 ;
\startMPpage picture pic ; u := 0.5cm ; z1 = origin ; z2 = (9u, 0) ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 14u ; path q ; q := p shifted (9u,0) ; pair A ; A := p intersectionpoint q ; path a ; a := z1 -- z2 ; path b ; b := z1 -- A ; path c ; c := z2 -- A ; draw a ; draw b ; draw c ; pair I ; pair J ; I := point 0.6 of b ; J := point 0.6 of c ; draw I -- J ; pair L ; L := point 0.8 of b ; label.top("A", A) ; label.lrt("C", z2) ; label.llft("B", origin) ; label.ulft("I", I) ; label.urt("J", J) ; label.ulft("$x$", L) ; pic := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture; draw pic rotated 15 ; \stopMPpage You can also rotate the image when you place it in your document with \rotate[rotation=15]{...}. Wolfgang