I have tried ... \setuplist[chapter] [label=no,prefix=no,sectionnumber=no,alternative=a,textcommand= \midaligned,distance=0cm,margin=0cm,width=0cm] ... but still there is the sectionnumber shown in the content. Is this because of our special setuphead[chapter] command? Is there no way to avoid the sectionnumber for my chapter in the TOC? Steffen Am 31.07.2006 um 07:31 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
That's it.
Now the corresponding entry in the TOC should be without sectionnumber, but
doesn't work. And looking in the manual I saw that this command is listed for setuplist, but listed italic?!
\setuphead[chapter] [command=\Sectioncommand, style=, textstyle=\bfb, numberstyle=\it]
\def\Sectioncommand#1#2% {\vbox \bgroup \framed[align=middle,frame=off,offset=0pt]{Chapter #1}% \framed[align=middle,frame=off,offset=0pt]{#2}% \egroup}