Am 2008-10-21 um 19:56 schrieb Piotr:
1) Finding the right context For now I had quite some difficulties to find that proper Latex distribution - a problem that actually led me to the existence of ConTeXt. I am wondering which latex distribution I should choose in order to work with ConTeXt? I am running Windows Vista (64-bit). Or is there a ConTeXt stand alone package that will absolutely satisfy my me in my needs? In principle, all I need is
If you don't need LaTeX or PlainTeX and just ConTeXt, go for the minimals (see wiki). I don't know about Win64 versions, though. (I'm on OSX)
2) The right editor What is the preferred editor for ConTeXt? for such a project? Is there any loss in functionality when using Texniccenter with ConTeXt than with MikTex instead?
Some ConTeXters use SciTE, others Emacs. I guess the ConTeXt modes of those are most evolved. I mostly use TextWrangler (Mac only), that has only a rudimentary syntax highlighting, but it's enough for me. see Be sure to use an editor with proper Unicode abilities and (I'd suggest to) write in UTF-8 encoding.
3) I have seen some thesis templates/examples in this mailinglist. Can anyone point me to additional sources regarding the creation of a PhD Thesis with ConTeXt? What is the advantage over Latex, what are the disadvantages? Is there a win-win distribution somewhere on the table?
What you need depends on the requirements of your university... I'm no academic, so don't know what would be special with a PhD thesis. Did you look through ? Did you find ?
4) Has anyone used a typesetting suite like ContTeXt with CVS?
Do you mean your sources or ConTeXt itself? Of course all TeX files are simple text files, so any versioning system is usable. But I'd suggest to use SVN or another less ancient system than CVS.
5) Is the ConTeXt reference system compatible with Endnote?
Jeff answered that.
Is there any point to have latex installed, when context can do the trick?
Or lets ask the devils advocate the other way around: What is the point of installing context, when latex could do the trick? Apart that I have to re-learn latex anyway.. what is better with Context?
- ConTeXt's scripts know how often your sources need to be run - more freedom in design (but some prefer LaTeX's "fixed" document classes) - more coherent interface (key=value syntax) - better support for modern features, esp. with LuaTeX - integration of external packages like MetaPost, GNUplot etc., see - easy font installation (or no installation at all with XeTeX or LuaTeX) - ... Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- (I'm an assurer)