On Sunday, October 24, 2021 5:31:32 PM IST Hans Hagen wrote:
On 10/24/2021 1:08 PM, Benjamin Buchmuller via ntg-context wrote:
\hfill author
It's anyway nicer to use
% \definenarrower % [amnata] % [left=\measure{amnatamargin}, % right=\measure{amnatamargin}, % default={left,right}]
\definenarrower [amnata] [middle=\measure{amnatamargin}]
but then them, the fact that we get something hyphenated interferes .. tricky
Dear Benjamin and Hans, Thanks for your responses. I did not mention this in my initial question but I am not exactly doing 'author' in the last line. Instead I usually do \cite[alternative=authoryears,righttext={Ch. 12}][author1992]. That is, almost always, I need to refer to a specific chapter/page number in the work. The issue with this and \hfill is that the 'righttext' part gets nudged into the next line. Sreeram