Hello, On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
[starting ConTeXt wiki at] http://members.ping.de:8062/ What kind of example documents do you think of? I guess that you know that the magazines on the main ConTeXt site have their source code included? I was thinking of all kinds of day-to-day documents, like the letter template I mentioned. I could not find one according to DIN-standards, so I did some trial-and-error experiments and created my own.
What were the difficulties you ran into?
One problem was on how to create a header with a different height for just one page for a letter template ... I needed some trickery (I don't recall it exactly, now) to make it work, and tried many things on the way. Another was the anchoring of layers, although for that I found some very helpful documentation (thanks, Hans, for the "Details"). And, as I'm no wizard in TeX, I had some problems with redefining in macros; I still do not know, whether these work for all cases now.
Arguments for a collection could be:
1) Perhaps a comprehensive and classified collection of sample documents could spare others such time consuming trials.
a) it is impossible to have a comprehensive collection of documents. There are too many faces ConTeXt has.
Okay, but it would be nice to have a starting point, instead of starting all projects from scratch. Didn't anybody write a letter for window-envelopes yet?
b) It is hard to classify the documents. Two possibilities:
1) layout trickery macro hacking itemize weirdness crazy table fun
2) letters articles poems magazines/newspaper
Any other? Which one makes sense?
You are right. But from my perspective, the latter would make more sense. At least, I thought about such a collection being useful when I start a new project (e.g. a letter ...). Then I could look up, whether there is anything I can build on. For the trickery and stuff, there is the documentation (okay, these are not editable by everyone), and one could build a second hierarchy in the Wiki which contains simply links to helpful trickery in the other parts ... -- Holger F. Schoener TU Berlin; Dept. IV: EE and Computer Science hfsch@cs.tu-berlin.de http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~hfsch/ Rooms FR2525 Tel: +49-30-314-73115, Fax: -73121 Office FR 2-1 Franklinstr. 28/29, D-10587 Berlin, Germany